Signed and dated: Tulon 1873, A. Beggrow (Beggrov), attributed Alexander Karlovich Beggrov (1841-1914) was a Russian landscape painter. He notable for his seascapes and Saint Petersburg cityscapes. The painting was purchased in a private collection in a noble estate. According to the former owners, the painting was donated directly by the artist to their ancestors. In gratitude that they provided a place for temporary residence of the painter. On the shore of the southern coast of France, the port city of Toulon (France) is comfortably located. The southern coast of France has always had a special energy field, which at all times has a beneficial effect on man, and the artist managed to convey this unique attraction. Involuntarily you envy the opportunities to live in such an incredibly attractive corner of nature. The newly arrived fishermen are selling their lucky catch... and a large flock of gulls flies from all sides, in the hope of a free delicacy. The tranquility of nature on the azure coast creates a feeling of admiration for the beauty of nature. Contemplation of such landscapes provides a romantic mood. In the background, you can see the peaks of beautiful mountains, in the foreground of the painting is the building of the port itself. Antique large panoramic oil painting on canvas, signed, framed.
Size app.: 65.5 x 92.5 cm (roughly 25.78 x 36.42 in). Very good condition, age wear, preserved and ready to hang condition. Please study good resolution images for the overall condition. In person actual painting may appear darker or brighter than in our pictures, strictly depending on sufficient light in your environment. Weight of app. 9 kg is going to measure some 19 kg volume weight packed for shipment.
ATTENTION! Only canvas on a stretcher is sold! If you want painting with a frame, the shipping cost will increase - this should be agreed prior payment.The frame is a gift (so frame in our listing have no value and is not covered by any warranty upon delivery). Please be aware of it and bid accordingly! But you can rest assured that no matter what, we will still try our best when packing item. Size of frame ca: 85 cm x 111 cm x 9 cm (roughly 33.46 x 43.70 x 3.54 in), golden gesso frame is original and in good condition.
A. K. Beggrov was decided to become a naval officer, and in 1863, he went into the navy. In particular, in 1871-1872 he participated in the round-the-world journey. Still as a naval officer, in 1868 he started his art studies under the supervision of Alexey Bogolyubov. In 1873, Bogolyubov moved to France, and Beggrov, who wanted to continue his art studies, enrolled in the Royal Academy of Arts, where he studied under Mikhail Konstantinovich Clodt for a year In 1874, he retired from the navy and moved to Paris, where he mainly continued to work under the guidance of Bogolyubov. He also got to know Russian artists working in France, including Ilya Repin. In 1875, Beggrov returned to Saint Petersburg, and in 1878, he joined the Society for Travelling Art Exhibitions. In 1879, he travelled by sea to Greece, and from there to France, where he stayed for two years. Subsequently, Alexander Beggrov moved back to Russia and settled in Gatchina. In 1903, his wife died. The last year and a half of his life AK. Beggrov, suffering from a serious illness, was forced to completely cease his creative activity. The paintings of this talented artist are kept in many museums and private collections around the world: Tretyakov Gallery - (Russia, Moscow), The State Russian Museum (Russia, Saint Petersburg), Central Naval Museum (Russia, St. Petersburg), Sevastopol Art Museum (Russia, Sevastopol), Chelyabinsk State Museum of Fine Arts (Russia, Chelyabinsk).