By unidentified professional painter: signed with monogram "IK". Painted in the style of Romanticism, on painting is clearly traced of Italian Classical School. Very good depiction of Roman environs, landscape with travelling figures and distant skyline. Original and unique. Antique oil painting on canvas.
Size app.: 41 x 52 cm (roughly 16 x 20,5 in). Very Good condition, minor age wear to painting, dark varnish. Please study good resolution images for overall cosmetic condition. In person actual painting may appear darker or brighter than in our pictures, strictly depending on sufficient light in your environment. Weight of app. 1,5 kg is going to measure some 3 kg in volume packed for shipment.
ATTENTION! Only canvas on a stretcher is sold! If you want painting with a frame, the shipping cost will increase - this should be agreed prior payment. The frame is a gift (so frame in our listing have no value and is not covered by any warranty upon delivery). Please be aware of it and bid accordingly! But you can rest assured that no matter what, we will still try our best when packing item. Size in frame golden gesso frame of same period ca 56 x 67 cm (roughly 22 x 26,5 in). losses damages to frame.